Saturday, October 10, 2009


I'm fully conscious of my Semitic looks and tend to overcompensate in public. I'm in line at Wal-Mart (don’t tell anyone, although my father, were he alive, would be SO proud of me), and a new cashier opens up.   She signals to me to bring my cart; but another customer waiting in another line thought he'd try to beat me to it.   So, should I stand my ground?  Should I be “nice" and give in to a bully?  While we were getting our buggies untangled from each other, I said, "I'm sorry; she was clearly asking me to bring my cart," but my paranoid inner maideleh afterwards makes me afraid that after I paid and left, the loser of this particular buggy war would say to the cashier, "Did you see how that Jew tried to edge me out?" — and whereas SHE would defend me, he might tell every single person he knows.   (Bernie Madoff should only have worried half as much as I did about how his actions reflected on our co-religionists.) I call my rabbi, and he says that no matter who’s right or wrong, we should all guard ourselves against misperceptions.  He tells me that he wears a yarmulke in public and is careful to behave himself especially well to boost respect for the Jewish people.   But what about a situation like mine at Wal-Mart?   Maybe the rabbi, had he been two seconds quicker than I was, wouldn’t even have SEEN the other person trying to jockey in with his cart, making the bully even more resentful.  Or maybe the rabbi unwittingly cuts someone off while driving; if so, then the yarmulke would make it worse. Thoughts?

And, as a follow-up . . .


Jay Leno had Jon Stewart on his show a few years ago. I’m pretty sure the question was scripted, but even so, his answer was as beautiful as the last unexpected piece of a homemade batch of mandel broit.

JAY LENO: Tell me, Jon, why is it that show business seems to attract so many Jewish people?

JON STEWART:  It's because if we can entertain you, if we can make you laugh, then maybe, just maybe, you'll let us stay.


1 comment:

  1. i agree with him. As Jews, we continually have to justify ourselves. Of course we haven't contributed much to this country. Salk,Sabin,Einstein, Goldman and Sachs, etc. they only remember the Madoff's etc. At least they can't say we have a goishe kupp(sp?).
